1 min read
Wherever Focus Goes, Energy Flows

For some reason, when we get older, go to the world of working and taking on a career everything turns to become childish. 

We are taught at an Early age: not to ask, to work hard for the things we want, be good, live by the rules and hope that one day some jerk will recognize us for our efforts and throw us some scraps. 

The funniest thing of them all is to be told that ‘All good things come to those that wait’ but we are never been told how long to wait? 

President Abraham Lincoln once stated “Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle” 

Life is a learning process, but some of the lesson we get are just B.S - 

I was taught to accept, not object, to give, not to ask and to accept a lot in life, we are manipulated and contorted to fit snugly into a ready-made box where we are expected to live quietly until we die. 

Achievement is the best teacher, when you do – you learn that is what is important since things change so fast around us. it makes sense to stay in constant motion to experiment, learn and adapt rapidly.

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