Money would always be money whether you call it 'Evil or Power' but it would always remain as it is “money” – the problem with most for ceases of money or those who still think that money is the root of all Evil is simply that them don’t have it or them don’t know how to spend it.
“Those who think money can’t buy happiness just don’t know how to spend it properly”
________ Economist Robert Frank
The positive feelings we get from buying material things are fleeting when spending money – we need to learn to spend it wisely and mostly on experience rather than on material possessions.
Money it is always changing hands on a regular basis, the rich are becoming in richer not matter the circumstances and the poor are getting even poorly with this rapidly changes in the world. That’s why one need to be money conscious – you don’t need to go back to school or hire the best in finance, you can educate yourself about money and advance yourself from the comfort of your home.
In the old days our parents went to work not because of the work, but because of the pay – with the new economy all that has changed people sought to go to work not because of the pay-out but because of the work itself. With this in mind work is becoming fun and most are moving from a life at work to a life working from home but the problem is that even with this changes people are still droning in more debts.
To be financially successful you have to get to be clear with your own self, the world can never be a pass-way for you unless one become financially educated.
The bible says “A man can only be wise through learning”
There are things that need to be learnt:
Points to help you along the way, it worked for me and it would work for you:
You have to know your net worth (you can’t hit your target if you are not aiming at it)
People don’t want to retire these days and I don’t know why or who told them that it is cool to work till your turn green, even though life at some point force us to work till we die, but we always have to plan for it anyways because we don’t know what may happen to us in days that is to come.
HAVE A BUDGET (Spend only your money not the banks)
Well people would say, I know how to live on budget – we like to spend and it is cool to have the fancy and the shiny stuffs, who doesn’t need them. But it’s sad to see people living on pay check to pay check with zero savings or even money to get by on a regular basis, which led them to more anxiety, stress and depression – trading your time for a dollar and if you are active or productive to do the work than it zero earnings to your pocket [No work – no pay]
You can never go wrong with your own Mother; she knows you more than you think you do.
Our precious gift from God is our Mothers, no matter how successful or rich you are – our Mothers always want to take care of us even if we have the means to do so for ourselves. But I don’t mean you had to go and hire your Mother or let her do your finance books – you can do that for yourself, so since no one would ever come to your door or apartment and ask “CAN I HELP YOU” than you need to start educating yourself about money because the idea here is to get you to your promise land which is “Financial Freedom”
Someone once said it is not money that we want – it is freedom that we want [Earn it, keep it and multiple it] it can be tricky at some point but that’s the major reason it is called money, be smart no one is going become that for you.
It is truly sad to see most parents still leave this planet and leave behind their own children in poverty or debts not because it’s a good thing to do or a good start to have a child starting from poverty as Andrew Carnegie said “the best thing that you can have for a child is to be born into poverty” – I know how it feels to be born into poverty and I don’t think it is a good strategy, like what’s your point on having those children if you are going to make their life a living hell. It is torture and I know it is not our choices to be raised from poor family but no one needs to stay there forever.
It is important now and forever to take your life seriously not do you need to be the ‘No-nonsense guy’ but it is important to develop a money conscious mind if you need to have financial abundance in your life by not violating the rights of the others for your own or work harder to get to a zero.
“Money hears when it is invited, and it stays where it is welcomed”
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