'The secret to financial freedom starts when you know which door to open and which to close'
Before I couldn't even start with my financial planning and analyst program, a very wise man told me that I have a special gift and that gift would only reveal itself the day I stop searching for the meaning of life and begun a journey in teaching and healing.
I got lost, and I brushed it off because his vision of me didn't make any sense to me - my take to life was that I'll end up like my father or my uncles and be broke that was the only life I known.
If probably you were like me, I guess you heard of words like 'to make money you need to have money' or 'luck only goes to the rich - the poor would always be poorer'
This I heard it more than I could even remember and it went on until it started boring me because my dreams as a young boy was to become Jordan Belfort 'The wolf of wall street' after I watched the movies numerous times but because I were surrounded by limited minds, limited philosophies and the dead end my dreams seemed impossible.
For over years I remained in my head and lived there for quite a long time until a reached a point where I got tired by my own limiting thoughts and the old myth from people who were long gone.
The negative and limiting beliefs from our childhood are usually the one factor that is sabotaging us when we reach adulthood, there subconsciously emit a vibration that contrary to our conscious intentions and some of the childhood decisions made during times if intense emotional upset tend to stay with us longer and remain stronger overtime.
In the book 'The Success Principles' Jack Canfield argues that we can turn around our limiting beliefs about how we see money if only we can apply his easy to teach powerful techniques that can replace the limiting beliefs with the positive and empowering ones.
This may sound as rocket science just like I thought it was at first till I got to a point where enough was enough - I wrote down my first statement and the fun followed.
Grant Cardone one of my favourite master teacher in Sales and Real Estate impressed that 'if you don't have you don't have your money right or think right about money - you probably won't make it in sales' and he was right - think about it, how are we ever going to reach the Billionaires lives if we're still cutting back.
To think right about anything in life require an image or a concept, and if one wishes to accumulate and accelerate they financial goals we need to practice saying positive money affirmations everyday - it may not work for you because success has no 'ALL SIZE FIT ALL' and before we could jump ships
'The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary'
Don't live the lives that has been given you by your surroundings, your limiting beliefs and the limiting thinking.
Don't be trapped by Dogma, or be cynical by living in your head.
Change the way you see money, it's the best thing you can ever do for yourself and ultimately your family.
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