Without a plan your financial goals are like a rudderless ship spinning in circles with no clear direction.
The reason your plan is such a powerful tool is because it creates:
1) clarity,
2 congruencies,
and 3) consistency in your actions so that you know exactly what financial tasks to accomplish.
To start of our discussion here is a quick question to lighten you.
[Why do some people work hard and end up broke while others exert far less effort and make millions?]
If you answered: 'Spending more than we earn' you are far more correct.
'To be a winner you need to have a plan based on proven principles and take persistent action to realize their goals'
But, Marcus each and every one of us has a plan whether in life or wealth creation.
Remember what Mike Tyson said 'Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth'
Everyone has a plan but the problem is giving up when the plan yields no rewards.
If you want wealth in this lifetime with a high degree of certainty then there is no substitute for designing a plan where you set goals, take consistent action, and practice daily habits that lead to wealth.
When I were at my early 20s, I believed that creating wealth required genius, special talents, privilege, or luck. Those are far from the truth.
It is not about working harder, it’s about focusing all your efforts in an efficient, logical process to produce results.
Your starting point in wealth creation is to design your wealth plan.
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