Remember how when you were growing up, and the way you got through rejection and objections from your parents.
Buddha said believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
People already believe what they think agrees with their “logic” which is often faulty and “common sense” which is usually another word for “what we accept without thinking deeply”.
So, this quote could be interpreted as more or less saying: Keep believing what you believe, as well as anything that confirms those existing beliefs.
I remember ones before I could even find JOY in my writing - I wrote my first ever article and forwarded it to a friend to view and give me a feedback on my writing, His respond was: "Buddy the is enough sh**t already written in the world, don't add to it - but did I listen 'NO' and later that year I were puzzled by a surprise article from the same person who told me not to add sh**t to the world with my writing. I felt cold, and upset but in a split second my anger was gone because I realised why he had to say those word - he was simply afraid that I'll one day surpass him with my writing or I would even take the out bread from his mouth.
let me highlight few pointers that would be a great fit for my story.
Just because you were rejected once doesn't mean it's the end of the world. Just because you didn't get that position you were longing for last year didn't happen, it's not the end of the world. Just because your Home loan application didn't get approved it's the end of the world. Just because that Loan or funding you applied for to further your studies or send your kids to varsity, it's the end of the world. Just because you asked her/him out for a date and they rejected it's the end of the world. Just because you feel small inside doesn't mean you don't have a great calling.
J.K. Rowling, author of the highly anticipated Harry Potter books got rejected 12 times by dozens of publishers before her big break. Failure. Rejection. Success: The J. K. Rowling Story....
Colonel Sanders' "secret recipe" for KFC was turned down 1009 times before his "secret recipe" was accepted once! Myspace rejected Facebook's offer to merge for $ 50 million, where is myspace now?
The is a reason for your existence in this world and one thing that I know is that you have unlimited potentials in you.
The people you know needs you, your family needs you, your community needs you, your country needs you, the whole world needs you to get strong.
Have the confidence in what you are doing. Everyone falls down, but those who believe in themselves can always rise up.
When people say No to you - it's a sign Keep on going. You are worth more than they think and your time is surely coming.
Remember: You are a miracle wanting for a place to happen.
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